Barat Semet
Barat Semet
博客Title: Midnight Café 博客地址: RSS聚合地址: 博主微博地址(选填): @baratsemet 博主twitter地址(选填): @baratsemet
Great thread. I've been looking for an answer for this, is there any?
> I've been doing it this way as well. But apparently it's not the best practice. Alternatively , I tried to expose `gin.Context` to template via function, failed.
> I'm thinking about implementing those call in a golang CGO header and redirect to golang function which uses Golang Native AES encryption which means no dependency on OpenSSL. @x0d3r...
Is it really necessary? If it does, I may have some spare time to get it done.
> 暂时没规划到 2.0 里面,再下个版本找机会吧!
from Gitee
还没真没有考虑集群的情况,这个问题也可以 tag 一下,找个机会把验证码让到 Redis 就可以了。 这段时间暂时没太多时间处理
打算推出一个 2.0 的版本,支持 captcha 存储到 Redis 以支持 ohUrlShortener 集群部署 同时,1.x 单机版本也将继续存在 时间方面,大致不会晚于06月20日发布。