Liu Ye Dong
Liu Ye Dong
预览图像较大,使用 libyuv 转换后得到的是 I420 格式,若能直接 I420 格式,或许能减少一层转换。
If I don't check intent key `DeepLink.IS_DEEP_LINK`, how can I safe start a deep link url come from an external app? ``` public class TodoDetailActivity extend Activity { private static...
Nice for SnackBar, but how does it work with Toast?
``` error: style attribute ‘@android:attr/windowEnterAnimation’ not found Failed to execute aapt ``` styles.xml 文件,需要去掉 ```@android:windowEnterAnimation``` 和 前面的 ```@```。 修改后如下: ``` @anim/dialog_enter //进入时的动画 @anim/dialog_exit //退出时的动画 ```