Hi @franzpoeschel I tried to install parallel "HDF5" and successfully installed it. But I ran `make -j $(nproc) install` and reported the following error. I haven't updated the version of...
Hi @ax3l I build the CMake version of HDF5 ( The commands I use are as follows: `sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/hdf5` ` sudo make` `sudo make check` `sudo make install` `cd...
Sorry, I didn't call other "cmake" lines after that. I seem to have forgotten to set the environment variable. I thought openpmd could automatically set it. Is there a problem...
@steindev Yes, I have also checked the early time steps, and the results are all 0. I try to set the parameters the same as those in the literature, but...
Hi @steindev The literature I refer to is `Entwicklung und Ü berpr ü Fung eines photoenmodels f ü r die abstractlung durch hochenergetische elektronen ` , which is []mentioned in...
@PrometheusPi Hi PrometheusPi,First of all, thank you for your reply. The problem I described is: numerical simulation of electromagnetic pulse in the target chamber of nanosecond laser inertial confinement device....