James Moore
James Moore
I might be able to turn on cancelation if Eclipse is shutting down.
Warning: can't write resource [reflect.properties](Duplicate zip entry [scala-reflect-2.10.1.jar:reflect.properties]) Error: Can't write [C:\Users\james\workspace\AkkaProducerConsumerBenchmarks\proguard_cache\jartender_cache_3033257530503124243.jar](Can't read [C:Usersjames.ivy2cacheorg.scala-langscala-reflectjarsscala-reflect-2.10.1.jar%28;;;;!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF%29] %28Duplicate zip entry [scala-reflect-2.10.1.jar:scala/reflect/api/Annotations$ArrayArgumentExtractor.class]%29)
After dex runs, store a copy of the bin/dexedLibs/xxxx file so we can skip many dex runs too.
Don't generate empty minified libraries if you don't need to.
This sentence at the beginning of https://github.com/firebase/functions-samples/tree/master/nextjs-with-firebase-hosting is strange: > Host your SSR Next.js app on Cloud Functions with Firebase Hosting rewrite rules. Using a rewrite rule that catches ALL...