Results 23 comments of LE GARREC Vincent

Do you think you could add a library paragraph in Angular documentation (https://angular.io/guide/i18n) ? I have a workspace with one library and one project. I just spend two hours to...

Thanks for the comment. Maybe an note about shared_ptr should be added in the README on somewhere else in the document ?

About the 404 error, I have the same problem. It may happen when the deskshare video is not a video but just images from presentation. I was able to generate...

@gerhardol The problem is that I have a project with lots of submodule (like boost.org). Every time I open one submodule, I open a new instance of Git Extensions. After...

> The answer could be remembered though (like other confirmations in GE), then you can set your behavior once. I don't really understand what you mean. So you mean that...

I understand the idea. But I don't think it's a good idea. For example, when you `include(CTest)`, it automatically set `BUILD_TESTING` to 'ON'. You can't set the name. If you...

The choice about prefixing or not CMake global variables is complicated. I didn't find an official response about it. If you don't prefix and you use `add_subdirectory` from another project,...

Considers these 3 lines: ``` restbed::Service service_; std::thread server([&service_]() { service_.start(settings); }); while (!service_.is_up()){} ``` The function `is_up` is used to know when the service has started. The data race...

First point : when I click on commit button, I have error: ``` GitExtUtils.ExternalOperationException: 'An error occurred trying to start process 'C:\Program Files\Git\bin\gpg.exe' with working directory 'C:\Users\XXXXXX\Documents\git\perso\gitextensions\'. ``` In my...