laravel-serve-livereload icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
laravel-serve-livereload copied to clipboard

Laravel live reload implements into `artisan serve` command with live reloading websockets

Laravel Serve LiveReload

This package is daed, please use the new Vite integrated instead

This package integrates into default artisan serve command an WebSockets server for live reloading the application when any file changed. How it works, checkout my blog post for explaination if you don't like digging into source code.

Laravel serve livereload


For laravel 8, please use version ^1.x, and below use version 0.x

composer require bangnokia/laravel-serve-livereload --dev


Open terminal and run php artisan serve

This package works even when you use custom vhost such as valet or laragon


By default, this package looking for files changes in these directories:


If you want to customize the watched forlders, you can publish the configuration file by this commmand:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BangNokia\ServeLiveReload\CommandServiceProvider"

and then you can config what you want in the config/serve_livereload.php.