Brandon Amos

Results 37 comments of Brandon Amos

In my uses of cvxpy, I'm able to use `block` to construct the numpy coefficient matrices and I'm not sure when I would want to use this on the cvxpy...

This is probably related to TF versions. Can you try using an older version?

Hi, I didn't try training on multiple GPUs. The issues @Lyken17 mentions can potentially happen, but I wouldn't expect hem to happen.

Hi @seagreen - I wrote a small Python script for another project you might be interested in: - - It does a regex search for URLs in the...

- - - Changing connect calls to use `validateTLSCertificates` results in ` Received fatal alert: handshake_failure`

> In this particular example, the different functions (with the different `b` values) are independent. I think because of this the optimization does not need to backpropagate through the NLLS....

> I was actually thinking that we can probably achieve the desired behavior with a single optimization problem, by tweaking the example @bamos wrote in #26. Basically we fix `a_target`...

Also the [least-squares auto-tuning]( paper considers differentiating *linear* least squares problems (thus convex problems) w.r.t. some hyper-parameters to tune things like regularization parameters that we can also connect to somewhere...

> I am not sure I understand fully. The goal of Tutorial 1 is to show how to use Theseus to solve an optimization problem. I'm not sure how the...

> (Your description above says Tutorial 1. It also seems like you're using Tutorial 1 code.) Ah it's the problem from Tutorial 1 that I added derivatives to, like Tutorial...