Husayn Arrah
Husayn Arrah
@claj I don't mind you over explaining. @ddeaguiar I updated the response, and terminated same issue. Below is the complete interceptor ```clojure {:name ::request-payment :enter (fn [{:keys [request] :as context}]...
I don't actually, the closest I come to it is blocking on a `CompletableFuture`, maybe one of the libraries is doing something async, I am using kafka so would not...
@claj Yes, I am sure it restarts. I have annotated the logs as shown below. ``` Interceptor 1 22:12:53.153 [qtp1655962910-291] INFO payment-gateway.routes.collection - {:msg "valid public key ?", :line 21}...
@ddeaguiar Yes, I am using Jetty I have wrapped everything in a thread, same result ```clojure {:name ::request-payment :enter (fn [{:keys [request] :as context}] (let [{:keys [conn body-params app-config]} request...
I am getting the exact same error
I am running the docker container `generalmills/burrowui` ```bash $ docker exec -it 926e9cd0e41c bash root@926e9cd0e41c:/usr/src/app# node -v v6.10.0 ```
@zilti hello, could you please share the Dockerfile with the working changes? 🙏