Baldur Karlsson

Results 27 issues of Baldur Karlsson

From discussion on #13 - For aliased functions (like glUniform3f -> glUniform or glEnablei -> glEnable) it would be useful to have search results match when they are entered, and...

This may be out of scope for the library, or potentially I've missed a way to do it. What I would like to be able to do is add a...


On windows, nvidia, with profile set to 4.3 in config. When I hit c to create a new window it crashes: Output: ``` ..\..\..\src\renderer_gl.cpp(788): BGFX src API, type Error, id...


**Description** The compiler option `-Qsource_in_debug_module` is not documented in `-help` where users are likely to look for it when trying to use debug info as generated by `-Zi`. **Steps to...

debug info

If an empty struct is declared in a cbuffer (or a nested struct inside) the compilation seems to break trying to align members properly to their alignment requirements around that...


**Describe the bug** The vulkan spec defines what [vkGetInstanceProcAddr]( should return for different cases, but aside from a couple of special functions like global functions the main three cases that...


**What enhancement are you suggesting for the Vulkan Loader? Please describe in detail.** I built a local copy of [Fossilize]( and I wanted to point at it temporarily for an...
