Balázs Dukai

Results 15 comments of Balázs Dukai

@m93a are these the errors that you refer to? because I'm having these issues and I'm not sure if the problem is on my side (Blender) or with OSM2World. ![building1](

I'm afraid there is more to the problem than incorrect rendering. Also, because enabling backface culling doesn't solve the issue. This is how the wireframe of the building looks: ![building3](

Hm I don't know if the building should have a flat roof, but when I repair the geometry with FME it does have a flat roof. The repair essentially corrects...

Hi @rduivenvoorde , thank you for your detailed description. - Its possible that the GML conversion scripts are somewhat outdated, so the best approach if you read what the script...

I would not standardise a separator it to be honest. There are multiple ways to solve this problem, the simplest is using a separator as above, but one can also...

Hm okay, thanks for the heads up. Yes the rio-type of plugins is exactly what I was thinking, but I didn't know it doesnt work in a pipeline. I hope...

Just for clarification, a fix for this would still download the whole file at once, however the downloading and loading would be handled automatically by cjio. The whole citymodel would...

For now it is not possible to do this in cjio, but it's a useful feature and most likely it will be added.

I'm especially thinking about Windows users here. Pip on Unix is a piece of cake, on Windows it can be problematic, especially with cpp dependencies. And yeah, I thought the...

Yes that's true. Also, apparently my issue was vague, because I actually meant a different problem (see Nevertheless this helped to point out the case that you are mentioning,...