Bala Ramadurai
Bala Ramadurai
Hello @noctuid, Thank you for your reply. I am sorry, but I really do not understand how to change the display. Please excuse me for my lack of elisp abilities....
@novoid, Thank you for developing Memacs. It is really cool! I added the chrome-history module to this through the PR - Please let me know if this works! Thanks...
I have created another PR - Let's see if this one works. I realized that the python libraries I used were from pip install and hence has python2.7. So,...
> The project unfortunately seems dead to me, for future references, you can clone from, I made sure that it is most update to date fork for now. Thanks...
@sree24, I have added a feature to see the visitors to each page. Please check it out and see if this is what you were going for. Thanks and have...
@ichernyshovvv, yes, I do know about the `org-timeblock-change-span`. @ajgrf, one workaround can be 1. `(setq org-calendar-follow-timespan-change nil)` 2. `(setq org-timeblock-span 5)` 3. Jump to Mondays