Bakz T. Future

Results 6 issues of Bakz T. Future

I was thinking it might be worth creating a "walk through" of setting it up in AWS. Although using the library is as simple as putting in a CDN based...

Is there a way to look up a specific document by its `_id` in the data explorer? This could help me speed up manual edits of documents a lot quicker,...


Are there any accessibility best practices for lottie animations? I'm using the `SVG` renderer, ideally, I'd like to assign an `alt` tag to the images or SVG elements which Lottie...

Right now, you can only configure Lottie Animation Once. In the future, you should be able to reset your configurations easily within the application.


Change colours used for styling throughout the application to a set of constants.

good first issue

Really bad form, needs unit tests for command line application
