Baku 麦

Results 12 comments of Baku 麦

Thank you for reporting :) Though I couldn't reproduce the error message on a newly cloned repo, I fixed package.json. Please let me know if you still fail on `yarn...

It's because I used OffscreenCanvas for hit detection (which is for "Click to select a path in viewport" feature) and didn't implement its fallback for environments that don't support OffScreenCanvas...

Oh, I just noticed I don't need to use OffscreenCanvas because I didn't implement HitDetector (for detecting hovering item by cursor's position on the viewport) so that it runs in...

Look that way. For cases like this, it might be better to show the alert message showing the recommended environment for viewers using mobile, IE, and so on.

Thank you for the suggestion:) I just added the draft based on p5.js's and simply replaced `p5.js` with `Glisp`.

I guess it's because I used :delta-pos (stores the delta of mouse position from previous function call literally) for some of the handles. It might be better not to...

Even I refactored the drag function of `rect2d` not to update incrementally, though, the problem does not seem to be fixed yet. Will try to investigate what's going on inside...

@caleidoscopio Thank you so much for reporting the issue! This may be because I set the target SDK version as 12.3. Here's the binary that I simply changed to 12.2...

Thank you for the suggestion. It has been now working in progress and would like to improve the behaviors and flexibility. Spreadsheetの方もコメントありがとうございます! もう少し諸々実装し終わった段階で公開してみようかと思います🙏🏼

Thank you for your suggestion! I'm also thinking to let the app work on mobile devices -- I came to wonder it would be great if I could use it...