Zulfikar Alwi

Results 11 issues of Zulfikar Alwi

link Hadits https://api.hadith.sutanlab.id/ - Unreachable/TidakTerjangkau

### What is your question? so i made an app that **uses alarm manager to play audio at a set time**. but I just realized that my alarm manager **can't...


So I created the TikTok Live Connector as a tool to check whether this username is live or not within a certain period of time. This is what the code...

so I used the tiktok-live-connector to check whether this "username" was live or not, but it only focused on 1 username. now I want to make some "username" to check....

halo mas, mau request ditambahkan transliterasi yang bahasa indo bisa? soalnya transliterasinya cuma ada yang en (english) dan kalau dibaca pakai bahasa indo jadi aneh. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64103383/227452819-1ccafacd-9912-433c-ae46-cf030168efac.png) sama request ini mas,...

so I encountered an error and realized that dart:typed_data was not imported for reSaveImage(); function. **then I tried to import it on lib and it worked.** this error ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64103383/209862768-e098020f-7088-4da9-8bd7-aaea62ba08cc.png)

I think after I enter the username this package will listen continuously so that in the future I don't need to press the connect button again. but what happens is...

Error: Failed to retrieve room_id from page source. Request failed with status code 403

Error: Missing cursor in initial fetch response

Error: Request failed with status code 500