The Ambassador program has no reference in the Charter. As per the management instruction that we must update - -Document Ambassador Chair Role -Application process
We are starting our April blogs 1. Re-architecting CD covering ideas from previous blog 2. Advancing CD with SREs - 3 Securing CD with CDF Member projects ( member project...
- A CI/CD Bill of Materials can be used to support the systematic review of known security vulnerabilities in open source components and approval of each component’s - An CI/CD...
- What member project needs are? ( Survey ) - Outreach - What ambassadors can do ? ( Survey) - Garima
The intention of this item is to follow a lightweight governance process for review of the initiatives - CDF Events / meetup - blogs and surveys - Podcast & book...
We would like to draft Q1 Survey on Open-Source tools & Technology. This survey is intended to run for 6 weeks and we need contributors to draft the survey. This...
- Record member project intent - What there needs are from ambassador ( Survey) - @Lori - Ambassador connection to the needs through a survey - @Garima
1. To ensure that the board reflects “the will of project participants” instead of just being self-appointed. 2. To ensure that the board reflects the balance of different viewpoints —...