Please add your suggestions here -
Application Questions - What unique thing will you bring to the program? - Why do you want to join the CDF Ambassador program? - How many hours can you voluntarily...
[Here]( is the final Survey and the introduction to the survey, that we have included at the start of the survey (start of the Google Form)
@mukteshkrmishra can you update the question and review it with @chitritachakravarti @oleg-nenashev @cdfoundation/outreach any feedback , @fdegir - for FYI
@chitritachakravarti do we have the final version after the updates suggested by the team
@enricforn yes, that can be one perspective - we can try to write something
@LoriLorusso - Do we have an update from the member projects on their requirements or if you are a working on a timeline for the sake of information to the...
Please check the material - [>]( @bradmccoydev )