The index "x" is not referencing the same object within the function as it is supposed to be. unique(gt_gates[, c("xchannel", "channel")]) is not the same as unique(gt_gates[, "xchannel"]) cyto_plot_gating_scheme.R around...
In the process of integrating Tempora with SCHNAPPs I implemented these changes. Only one was really required the fork (issue #17) the others are visual improvements or speed-ups. Thanks for...
I am working with SingleCellExperiment objects. It seems that SingleCellExperiment::colData returns a "DFrame" and that reshape2::dcast in CreateTemporaObject requires a data.frame. ``` suppressMessages( setMethod("getMD","SingleCellExperiment", function(x) SingleCellExperiment::colData(x)) ) ```
In the mcell_mc_hierachy function you are using (around line 108 of mc_hierarchy.r) ``` while (j != -1 & cells[j] < mincells) { ``` I got the following error message: ```...
Hi, great package! I am running into an error with heat_freq(): ``` heat_freq(liana_trunc) Error: number of observations in bottom annotation should be as same as ncol of the matrix. >...
I would like to sub-sample a singleCellExperiment object based on a factorial in colData. I have a singleCellExperiment object: ``` > sce # A SingleCellExperiment-tibble abstraction: 13,268,769 × 6 #...
**Describe the bug** Error in cyto_plot after renaming samples: Error in frameList[isFrame] : invalid subscript type 'list' **To Reproduce** ``` library(CytoExploreR) data(GvHD) set