Tim Bai
Tim Bai
> I think you should write it as `1.22.0`. According to the [doc](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/master/go/toolchains.rst#go_download_sdk), it should automatically use latest Golang SDK if `version` is not specified.
> Are you certain that you aren't picking up an old version of rules_go from a dependency? Could you perhaps share a reproducer? Yes, the WORKSPACE file contains the following:...
> It's likely an earlier entry in your WORKSPACE has an indirect/transitive require of an older version of io_bazel_rules_go. Can you try to move your `io_bazel_rules_go` block to the top...
Now, the issue has been resolved itself because Go just released `1.22.1`. It seems this rule basically cannot latest version when the latest is the initial release of a Go...
Please read the [latest doc](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/master/go/toolchains.rst#go_download_sdk) of `go_download_sdk`: > The version of Go to download, for example 1.12.5. If unspecified, go_download_sdk will list available versions of Go from golang.org, then **pick...