Results 12 comments of bona

It was "Build OmniMapper Base", however same error also when compiling pcl. I did pcl with PPA though.

COPY HouseholderQR.h /usr/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/QR/HouseholderQR.h COPY CommaInitializer.h /usr/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/CommaInitializer.h Did you mean these lines? Where do I get the packed headers from? 2016-04-29 13:11 GMT-04:00 Ruffin [email protected]: > I remember gtsam and package...

Actually, I think the error might be these lines in FindEigen.cmake: if(EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR) file(READ "${EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR}/Eigen/src/Core/util/Macros.h" _eigen_version_header) string(REGEX MATCH "define[ \t]+EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+)" _eigen_world_version_match "${_eigen_version_header}") set(EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") string(REGEX MATCH "define[ \t]+EIGEN_MAJOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+)" _eigen_major_version_match...

yes, I think I have the correct path for eigen, please find the details in attachment: ​ As I just skipped pcl and jumped to omnimapper, it can pass cmake...

Oops, sorry for missing the attachment, yes I did reply to email. Please find it [here](, I hope this time it will work. Sorry I am not familiar with pastebin,...

Hey guys, just wondering if everything should work in Indigo now? I downloaded the package and tried the steps on [ROS wiki]( for compiling however got error with libnabo. Thanks...

Hi François, Thanks for the reply! I have tried the first two package which compile smoothly, however the third one doesn't go through. The error was "This workspace contains non-catkin...

I had the first two package in one catkin_ws1 and the last one in a separate catkin_ws2, however after source all the I still ran into errors "ResourceNotFound: ethzasl_icp_mapper"...

Yes, the only difference: "ethzasl_icp_mapping" was the package I downloaded from github, if it is the same thing for "ethzasl_icp_mapper" And then I tried to launch : roslaunch ethzasl_icp_mapper tracker.launch...

Getting a bit progress with the branch you provided, however getting error with ethzasl_gridmap_2d which "Eigen" needs to be changed to Eigen3 However the following error I got no idea...