
Results 10 issues of BaiJunjie

warning: ``` Module iCloudStorage requires main queue setup since it overrides `constantsToExport` but doesn't implement `requiresMainQueueSetup`. In a future release React Native will default to initializing all native modules on...

define ```css border($color = #ccc, $width = 1px, $style = solid) { p($width $style $color); border: $width $style $color; } bd = border; ``` Do not conform to the anticipated....

w: Unconfirmed
t: Question

```js import kuroshiro from 'kuroshiro'; kuroshiro.init(function (err) { console.log(err); //console.log(kuroshiro.convert('感じ取れたら手を繋ごう', { to: 'hiragana' })); }); ``` ![6c8056ef-42ea-419a-a818-5151f44a1058]( Maybe I need to import the dictionary manually. What should I do?


How do Hanji turn Romaji? or How do Hanji turn Kana?

This Promise will waiting forever ```js const zip = new AdmZip(zipPath); const zipEntries = zip.getEntries(); for (let zipEntry of Object.values(zipEntries)) { zip.deleteFile(zipEntry.entryName); } // zipEntries.length === 0; new Promise((resolve, reject)...

Request to add iPhoneX Face ID Icon

type: feature request
type: icon request
icon type: logo

这个库太叼了,可以轻松在 Vue 中使用 React 组件! 不过我遇到了一个小问题,研究了一天也没找到解决方案,想请教一下解决方案 🙏🏻 问题描述: 在Vue3中,使用React组件,以下代码一切正常,且运行完美 ```js import { applyPureReactInVue } from 'veaury' import { Card } from '@nextui-org/react' const VueCard = applyPureReactInVue(Card) Hello, World! ``` 当我添加一个React子组件`VueCardBody`时,也运行正常...

微应用 - 子应用A,依赖 Antd v1,采用webpack编译 - 子应用B,依赖 Antd v3,采用vite + vite-plugin-qiankun编译 现象 - 子应用A,所有动态载入的资源都在 `` 中,当应用卸载后,这些资源会被同时移除 - 子应用B,所有动态载入的资源都在 `` 中,当应用卸载后,这些资源仍然存在 结果 切换到子应用A,子应用B卸载后,Antd v3 的 CSS 仍然存在,并与子应用A中的 Antd v1 的 CSS...

### NextUI Version 2.3.6 ### Describe the bug ```jsx import { Dropdown, DropdownTrigger, DropdownMenu, DropdownItem, Button, Link, } from '@nextui-org/react'; function App() { return ( Open Menu Open Google );...

🐛 Type: Bug
📦 Scope : Components