I am experiencing the same issue. *edit* I run mailpile in a docker container. It seems mailpile timed out and stopped responding. I speculate that this was because as I...
@JoshuaCapel thank you for raising this. I dusted off sheet2dict today for a new project and tried the latest version and experienced this. I had a un-merged a lot of...
@Pytlicek: I created a PR https://github.com/Pytlicek/sheet2dict/pull/9 (Actually there were 2 PRs, my IDE didn't like the paths hard-coded into the test files.) - inventory.xlsx is sufficient since it has empty...
I'm returning two years later to provide some additional help. The best advice I can give is to test your input before trying to run dragonmapper on it. ### Always...
> > After searching the internet, I've got a workaround by **merging font files** into a single font file. > > By reading [merge_fonts.py](https://github.com/googlefonts/nototools/blob/main/nototools/merge_fonts.py), I think the core code about...
Thank you for linking me to that issue, I saw it before and knew there was a limitation on the number of glyphs in a font file. I was able...
Hi, https://github.com/ggrossetie/asciidoctor-web-pdf/blob/main/examples/resume/cv.pdf is still live. What's worse is that this version does not contain the svg icons for phone or email, it makes it look like there is a problem...
Hello, @Alwinator thank you for creating this extension. It's unfortunate that it doesn't match the style of the ToC. I have presented an alternative: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-extensions-lab/issues/111#issuecomment-1448455956 https://github.com/bai-yi-bai/asciidoctor-pdf-list-of-figures/blob/main/LoF/lof_extension_render_like_toc.rb
@Alwinator I sent you a message on the zulipchat, let's continue discussing there.
I would also like to report unique behavior for PDFs generated using ttfunk 1.8. Both [stduviewer](http://www.stdutility.com/stduviewer.html) and [DiffPDF foss v2.1.3](https://www.qtrac.eu/diffpdf-foss.html) (GPL 2.0) are relatively old applications and exhibit similar behavior....