Bahman Eshaghi

Results 5 comments of Bahman Eshaghi

@ChanakaDev I have the same problem.

@Merikw Hi, Navigate user to battery optimization settings intent and let him/her to disable battery optimization for your app. This solution will probably work for your use case.

@Merikw Is it possible to tell about devices that you have tested? (brand, manufacturer, model, os version)

@Merikw @johnray016 @endmr11 @kevinconcourse @mozomig @teddy-dubal In recent Android versions, keeping the background service alive **forever** on all different phones (various **android versions** & **phone manufacturers**) is really a challenge....

I have the same problem. Info: ` flutter_background_service: ^5.0.2` `bool isServiceRunning = await FlutterBackgroundService().isRunning();` `[ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method isServiceRunning on channel id.flutter/background_service/android/method) #0 MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:308:7) #1...