didn't work why does the sampler need libasound?
I'm using it on my personal Windows 10 (1903) computer, you can use VM to test it https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines
> Was able do reproduce. Can be fixed with `apt-get install libasound2`, but it better work without it. I'll see what I can do. > > The `libasound` is needed...
> I haven’t seen that one before - can you share what VS version you have installed and which .NET versions? > > The extension should ensure the right versions...
> Do you have any more messages in any of the output tabs in VS? no, just the above message returning in loop. in the Output tab under DetectKernelStatueService >...
Checked my nuGet configuration at ```%appdata%\NuGet\nuget.config``` packageSources was empty I added the following line : ```xml ``` And now everything is working after dotnet tool restore.