Matt B
Matt B
I've managed to add a container (sbDescription) to div.superbox-show in the declarations and methods section of the js ``` javascript var sbIsIconShown = false, sbIsNavReady = false, sbShow = $(''),...
This makes sense on a high level, but I'm flummoxed as to where/how I should write that method. I can see where you wrote the HTML for the image. Would...
I will try to set one up. I'm new to this whole Github scene. On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Adam Merrifield [email protected]: > If you have a...
I forked the project over at I hope I didn't bork something in the process.
That did the trick. Thank you for the assist.
@NimbleHost I don't suppose you could tell me what to change to make the height of div.superbox-show based on the content instead of the height of the image?