Dave Bakker

Results 34 issues of Dave Bakker

I suggest changing the `handle` syntax to use angle brackets for consistency with other types that take type parameters: `expected`, `tuple`, `option`, `list` Example: `handle my-resource` -> `handle`


TLDR, these proposed changes: - Allow function parameters, record fields and variant case payloads to have default values, as long as they're constant. - When subtyping; allow variant cases to...

This week @aturon gave a presentation on asynchrony in the component model. I was surprised by the amount of machinery introduced in https://hackmd.io/NM8WrCMWRPOwq--K1jRQrg?view. Would someone mind elaborating why this direction...

I think I've seen the following analogies briefly mentioned somewhere, though I don't remember where. Are these correct? ### Instances An "instance" is a Dictionary/Map/Record object, mapping exported names to...

Make `tcp-socket::shutdown` close the input/output-streams. This was already specified in the WITs, but not implemented nor enforced by any tests.


Prior discussion: https://bytecodealliance.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/217126-wasmtime/topic/Change.20Subscribe.20trait - Renamed the existing `Pollable` struct to `PollableResource` - Reimplemented wasi-io/poll. This introduces a new `Pollable` trait which is lower level, doesn't require heap allocations to poll,...


#7662 is a good first step towards letting users of the wasmtime library customize network behavior. After that change, library users have two options: either use `inherit_network` which grants access...

I was wandering, now that resources/ownership/borrowing/etc are properly part of the component model; In what way are closures not "just" single-method resources? Can they piggy back off of the semantics...

I'd like your thoughts on an issue I ran into while designing wasi-sockets: Some operations require exclusive access to a resource while the operation is in progress. The component-model already...

Currently the spec states: > Validation of [method] names requires the first parameter of the function to be (param "self" (borrow $R)), where $R is the resource labeled r. Are...