Bradley Metcalf
Bradley Metcalf
Not really, elRTE depends on both jQuery and jQuery UI. It saved the developers so much time in developing what these libs provide. Migrate simply adds backward support for depreciated...
This is exactly how PHP handles an echo with multiple parameters.
@coreybutler Would [Yargs]( be a suitable replacement? The license is compatible.
@coreybutler Understandable. I didn't initially realize the aim was for a dependency free parser and thought it was just to ditch a known vulnerable one.
Same issue here. 53.9 meg project gets a 30.6 meg delta for just a few lines of code changed. Sometimes I get a few hundred KBs or 15 meg delta...
I have found electron-packager to be the culprit. It is creating a new executable with a different hash. As a result Squirrel.Windows thinks the whole file changed. Copying my old...
@1407brown I am unsure what you are talking about. This is basically a source code example to show a developer how to embed a PHP application within a NW.js project....
I no longer support this project or work with NW.js. But you are free to submit a PR.
@tuefekci Anyone is free to fork it and do whatever. You can take the idea and make it your own. But personally I think this project should be discontinue and...
@Ulterior Awesome. :)