E.g. ```shell root@linuxkit-025000000001:/Users/test/work/PocketFlow/learners# grep cifar_10 * -r nonuniform_quantization/ if self.dataset_name == 'cifar_10': nonuniform_quantization/ if dataset_name == 'cifar_10': nonuniform_quantization/ if self.dataset_name == 'cifar_10': nonuniform_quantization/ if self.dataset_name == 'cifar_10': uniform_quantization/ if self.dataset_name...
Good job on improving tensorflow on kubernetes for easy developing large scale training system. :-D After reading some tutorials, we found ElasticDL designs new PS architecture and distributed framework, and...
Hey there, DeepRec's documents currently focus mainly on internal architecture design and individual feature design/API. While this level of documentation is sufficient for senior customers, we highly recommend creating additional... details on building developing environment and it will abort within docker environment by default. Docker is perfered for releasing developing and runtime envrionments. I think Xiangshan's frontend development tools...