Does this also affect the motion_sensitivity? I can change it only sometimes, but is it respected by the sensor?
What's the current status of "fernzugriff" feature? Or is there any existent way to open Jarvis from an app or via internet ?
> I use the intigrated VPN from my FritzBox. I have created a bookmark for Jarvis at my iPhone and added the bookmark to the iPhone destkop. If i have...
after a while of usage, I am fine with the VPN version. I am using jarvis very rarely via remote. So that absolutely ok.
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> IMO, it's from vue-style-loader ([4.1.3]( & img-loader ([4.0.0]( which are finally using loader-utils (max. [1.4.2]( because of ^1.X.X) Thats absolutely correct. How to fix that?
how long would it take to get the PR merged?
I don't understand, why this very common package isn't updated the same day, when the security vulnerability went public......The fix is already there, why don't they publish a new release?
Thats so bad....Its used by a lot of users....
same here, please fix