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Compute over Data framework for public, transparent, and optionally verifiable computation

The Filecoin Distributed Computation Framework

Bacalhau Logo

Compute Over Data == CoD
Bacalhau == "Salted CoD Fish" (Portuguese)

Latest Updates

New users: Getting Started: Hello World

Please see the instructions here to get started running a hello example and then onboarding your workload to Bacalhau: Getting Started with the Bacalhau Public Network

Bacalhau Developers: Running Bacalhau locally with devstack

Developers can spin up bacalhau and run a local demo using the devstack command. Please see docs/ for instructions.

Notes for Contributors

Bacalhau's CI pipeline performs a variety of linting and formatting checks on new pull requests. To have these checks run locally when you make a new commit, you can use the precommit hook in ./githooks:

git config core.hooksPath ./githooks

If you want to run the linter manually:

curl -sSfL | sudo sh -s -- -b /usr/local/go/bin
golangci-lint --version
make lint

The config lives in .golangci.yml