BABA Yoshihiko
BABA Yoshihiko
I have found this: Is anyone translating this great document? If not, I would like to so do into Japanese. I will stick to the first edition for now.
I tried to build in bs4_book format with R 4.2 and encountered two errors: 08-forestplots.Rmd > Quitting from lines 6061-6067 (Doing_Meta_Analysis_in_R.Rmd) > Error in forest.meta(m.gen, sortvar = TE, predict =...
DESCRIPTION says ``` Depends: R (>= 3.1.0) ``` but vctrs (>= 0.3.8) requires R >= 3.3. So, I suggest tibble should also depend on R (>= 3.3.0).
07-heterogeneity: LINE 260: "form meta-analysis to meta-analysis" should be FROM. 14-netwma: LINE 1793: The latex code lacks backslash.
I am translating EpiRHandbook to Japanese. But translators of many other languages are interested. The current Rmd produces plots and maps using ggplot and tmap. This is OK with most...