@gchhablani I can take this one. Please assign it to me.
Hi @gchhablani Please assign me this issue.
@gchhablani What's difference between 'prize_amount' and 'amount' in model?
@gchhablani I've done my coding part, Now I am struggling in hosting a challenge locally to test it. According to [docs](, I tried `"evalai_host_url": ""` and `"evalai_host_url": ""`. But failed....
> > @gchhablani I've done my coding part, Now I am struggling in hosting a challenge locally to test it. According to [docs](, I tried `"evalai_host_url": ""` and `"evalai_host_url": ""`....
@gchhablani It seems like my pull request #3906 build failed due to test case failure, Do I need to add test cases along with my other commits?
@gchhablani Can you assign it to me? I would be happy to work on it.
@ADITYA97-CODER try `docker-compose disable-v2` and then `docker-compose up --build`
Hi @gchhablani I would like to pick this issue. Can you please assign it to me?