opnsense_grafana_dashboard copied to clipboard
sankey-panel plugin is not working with grafana 7.4.3
Do you have a suggested grafana version which can use all the suggested plugins?? There is issue with saney-panel plugin as mentioned https://github.com/kumaravel29/grafana-sankey-panel/issues/31
Hello, Sorry to answer late :/. So busy. I got the same yes 0.0. I will try to check later.
This is a sankey issue, not really the dashboard. But they do mention the resolution both in the issue you referenced and on the main sankey page.
In this plugin, the Sankey daigram panel has been used to visualize the distribution between 2 keys. Important - This panel is dependent on the google chart and requires loader.js which needs to be included in the Grafana index.html file
Copy the script line below into: /usr/share/grafana/public/views/index.html