
Results 23 comments of b3z

So right now you could compile the client for windows quite easily. It gets harder with the server since it uses redis and redis does not offer windows support. So...

Alright. So running it in WSL then is not a Windows release but a Linux release. That would be way easier. Also you would/could run the client in WSL as...

I agree. That is way too complicated. Building the client for windows doesn’t seem to be that hard anyway. I will try to run an external demo server and build...

Honestly I did not compare a lot. I just picked redis because of its speed. I also like that it is not relational. If UnQLite is as fast as redis...

That looks promising. As I said earlier I didn't really pick redis for a reason. It was just the database I knew best when I started. If you come up...

Update: #43 would fix all bash related issues. The dotfile issue doesn’t seem to be an issue. You just do it. The only concern then will be about packaging since...

They occur when editing a note. A edit & save cycle adds a space. The space is added in the editing process.

after this start working towards windows compatibility. Start with compiling the redis server for win.

https://oss.redislabs.com/redisearch/Commands/#suggestions need to make a suggestion dict >Another important feature for RediSearch is its auto-complete engine. This allows users to create dictionaries of weighted terms, and then query them for...

~~The issue right now is that somehow linebrakes are being lost in the process of saving. We need to fix that.~~