dotfiles copied to clipboard
I use arch btw.
I also use neovim, tmux, bspwm, ncmpcpp, neomutt, the list goes on. You can find the config files for all of those in this repository, I use dotter to manage my dotfiles.
You'll need a few programs to do an inital minimal deploy. This will set up a usable shell-enviorment.
Before you can get started, you'll need to install git, which should be in the standard repositorys of every distro, and clone my dotfiles repository:
git clone [email protected]:b3nj5m1n/dotfiles.git
Now, you might want to compile the terminfo files:
cd /path/to/dotfiles/files/terminfo
You'll also need rust, more specifically cargo, to install everything you need:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup install stable
rustup default stable
You're now ready to build and install dotter:
cargo install dotter
Pick a profile to deploy or build your own, put it in .dotter as local.toml (For example cp profiles/desktop.toml .dotter/local.toml
You should now be able to do your inital deploy:
sudo dotter deploy --force
Afterwards, you'll need to fix the permissions.
Do this for the .config dir, and every file that gives you a permission error when you execute dotter deploy
(Without sudo):
sudo chown $USER ~/.config/**
If you run into problems with the cache:
rm -rf .dotter/cache*
From now on, this should work without any errors and in a fraction of a second:
dotter deploy
You'll need the following programs to take full advantage of the configs (All of them are aliased so you can use the normal program names):
- tmux (Terminal multiplexer) (Should be in every distros default repository)
- zsh (Shell) (Should be in every distros default repository)
- starship (Prompt) (
cargo install starship
) - zoxide (Better cd) (
cargo install zoxide
) - exa (Better ls) (
cargo install exa
) - fd (Better find) (
cargo install fd-find
) - sd (Better sed) (
cargo install sd
) - skim (fzf but rust) (
cargo install skim
) - ripgrep (better grep) (
cargo install ripgrep
) - procs (better ps) (
cargo install procs
) - dust (better du) (
cargo install du-dust
) - bottom (better top) (
cargo install bottom
) - bat (better cat) (
cargo install bat
Old screenshots