Samuel Schumacher
Samuel Schumacher
The problem we are facing now, is that this is not just a S3 Problem but rather a global problem. We need the chain in every pod that needs to...
@wkloucek We had not yet had the issue with other applications, most of the time there was a parameter to use. I will make a merge request for this issue...
@wkloucek @d7oc I made a pull request. It is possible to add multiple ca chains to the secret and with that add them all to the deployments. This will also...
Good point. Right now this would overwrite the certificates, as all of them are already in /etc/ssl/certs So there are to options. 1. Add another dir to SSL_CERT_DIR with the...
I would prefer option 2 with a good documentation and in future an option for multiple CA chains
I implemented now a second path with the custom certificate and added the custom chain ca there. So now it should use both directories.