``` JavaScript function fn(options) { options.foo = 1; } spy = chai.spy(fn); spy({ bar : 1 }); spy.should.be.called.with({ bar : 1 }); // fail ``` This happens because the function...
All dependency support OSX, so OSX support can be added easily.
"callFunction" only allows a function to be called if it is a property of an object. "callAsFunction" allows functions to be called directly, which is more flexible. One good application...
When running the following code from a node module, an error occurs: ``` require.resolve('anything', {paths:['any path']}) Error: Empty filepath. at pathDirname (deno:ext/node/02_require.js:50:13) at new Module (deno:ext/node/02_require.js:257:17) at Function.Module._resolveFilename (deno:ext/node/02_require.js:566:30) at...
client.py cannot run after 2to3 because httplib.HTTP is not available, but it is not needed on Python3 anyway. We should define the related class only when needed.
Client side SDK (JS, iOS and Android) should be localised, including error messages and UI elements in sample app. Related: https://github.com/SkygearIO/skygear-SDK-Android/issues/89
Instead of hiding the comment, can we clip a circle around the comments?