Bobby Noelte
Bobby Noelte
> Very nice work! Thank you. > Do you think that, expanding on this commit, making the same modbus data also available through modbus RTU would be possible? eModbus supports...
> Hello, I compiled the program from your project. Unfortunately, I don't have any tabs for Modbus. Something needs to be defined in the code? Edit: You have to build...
Added modbus server for minimal SunSpec meter. Only provides AC power and AC yield as if measuring the output of all registered inverters. Same approach as for the "Total Inverter"...
> Hello, Some quick notes I found :) Thx for testing and advise. > 1. If the inverter is not reachable, the reading should behave as selected in the settings/inverter...
Hello @ArekKubacki , I did some more tests using synthetic test data (fixed values for 1 inverter with 6 channels) for the DTUPro data. The test data can be activated...
Thank youu for testing. Will look into this. I hopefully can now understand your original code.
Hello @ArekKubacki > today_production, total_production, pv_power, pv_current, pv_voltage should be for each port (string, panel), not for the entire inverter. Now switched to values per string. > port_number should change...
Hello @stefan123t, the current Sunspec Modbus implementation is a minimalistic one. Just enough Sunspec Modbus to suite the use case of getting the total power and energy. I did not...
@stefan123t, this pull request supersedes PR @ArekKubacki tested it and it works with his [HomeAssistant integration for Hoymiles DTU Pro]( @schlimmchen, I´m perfectly fine if this pull requests will...