This works for me since 旁聽 courses are just listed on table 2 ```diff diff --git a/ceiba_dl/vfs.py b/ceiba_dl/vfs.py old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index a5c6c59..d5b8ec7 --- a/ceiba_dl/vfs.py +++ b/ceiba_dl/vfs.py...
What is the best way of implementing a custom augmentation requiring both images and bounding boxes?
+1 I also have the same question.
Hi @mliu2020 , I'm not sure how to add a tag to the roi-list, could you provide more details about this? Also, I have a glance of this code https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/dlstreamer_gst/blob/4a8b37a81b4f8362899d3521bcabe5ecaec97014/gst/inference_elements/gvainference/inference_post_processor.cpp#L45-L62...
Hi @mliu2020, Yes I can distinguish which roi is from first gvadetect by object_id because the roi from the second gvadetect would not have this property. However, I'm still not...
[LinearSVC](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.svm.LinearSVC.html) in sk-learn use squared-hinged as default. [Here](https://cvstuff.wordpress.com/2014/11/29/latex-l_1-versus-latex-l_2-loss-a-svm-example/) said that squared-hinge is more likely a regressor while that of hinge is more likely a classifier. However, in my case of...
Wish this would be supported soon!
Hi, did you find a solution? Thanks
Hi @jsalas98 thank you for your help. Sorry I cannot share my application with you, and also my application may be too complicated to demonstrate this issue. But I can...
@jsalas98 Sorry for late reply. Due to some policy, our development is not using gstreamer now, so I can support you on this issue only in my free time. I...