Brandon R
Brandon R
Custom Vim setup links for Cairo1 syntax highlighting and coc.nvim language server. ## Checklist - [x] The URL is not already present in the list (check with CTRL/CMD+F in the...
Create integration tests (scripts) for the Blobstream contract(s) by doing the following : - Launch a `Katana` node - Declare & Deploy the `BlobstreamX` contract ( & dependencies such as...
- [ ] issue # - [x] follows contribution [guide]( - [x] code change includes tests - [ ] breaking change Decode generic output from verified_call; updated Alexandria and Succinct...
Add the `set_genesis_state` function to BlobstreamX. Should only be callable by the owner. #### References Code from BlobstreamX.sol
When "Place pixel" is available (i.e., no countdown ), clicking on a pixel on the canvas should open the pixel color selector. IE clicking a pixel on the canvas should...