Hello, [Grid/Source/Entity.php#L658](https://github.com/Abhoryo/APYDataGridBundle/blob/f57da7390468a52568ccf7c2b47d981f253731eb/Grid/Source/Entity.php#L658): auto switch select from query to source without applying permanent filters is nonsense when no result. Then, an unwanted consequence is the explosion in the number of queries...
[Grid/Source/Entity.php#L620](https://github.com/APY/APYDataGridBundle/blob/1ee2713d74e8dde43846fad1c01e59edcde10ddc/Grid/Source/Entity.php#L620): querySelectfromSource should contain **permanent** filtres. The issue is to have suggestion without result.
A user role is not enough when a voter exists to check permission.
Publisher confirms is not available with amqp lib provider only with pecl extension.