shigeyuki azuchi
shigeyuki azuchi
`build_tx` returns `tx` object and you can do that by the following code. ``` tx.to_payload.bth ```
The `txid` of your code and `"hash": "6a2502f319f0b8c8a2ef2bdfd61b3a9d6592c29012e4cd13f86bcaa6670c9013"` match. looks like returns a hash that excludes the witness of Segwit, that is txid.
@harding I have rebased.
@fanquake Additional #772 and #912 were applied.
Why is this not merged? When using aggsig module, make will fail because a non-existent `src/bench_aggsig.c` is defined in `src/modules/aggsig/`. If do not want to add this file, need to...
> mode - prod/dev This would be unnecessary. Even in Bitcoin, snapshots do not include data that distinguishes between mainnet and testnet. > snapshot_time Since `base_blockhash` is present, this is...
@Naviabheeman I merged #304. Then, you need to create a 22.04-based tapyrus-builder image and reference that new image in tapyrusd's Dockerfile.
Finished by #304 and #306.
Complete by #276
At this point, I think the standard rule is to only cover CP2PKH and CP2SH.