Aziz Amari
Aziz Amari
Partially solved by using defensive programming => if it crashes simply say the repl is not supported in said terminal xD
Thank you for reporting this. I forgot to add this to documentation but you can use double quotes to use quotes in a string Like if you want to print...
That's true I experienced this before when testing but forgot to fix it. Btw you can run the Ncodi.Cli project then you can run code from files with .ncodi extension...
I changed the code when testing and forgot to change it back my bad Line 64 should be like this var cfgPath = Path.Combine(appDirectory, "");
If you use the Ncodi.Cli to execute some .ncodi file you will find a generated there it contains a graph visualization of how the code was ran. Simply open...
It was temporarily intended since someone abused madem loop and ran infinite loops in my server and took it down 15 times 😅
I implemented a solution to make a time limit in the online editor and I thought it worked at first but somehow the asynchronous task keeps running in my server...
لما لا، يمكنك Ø¥Ù‚ØªØ±Ø§Ø ÙƒÙ„Ù…Ø§Øª بالإستعانة بهذا الرابط بداية السطر 60 إلى السطر 90
Did you find a solution for this? same issue