Arvid Zimmermann
Arvid Zimmermann
Originally suggested by LeMonde [on the FP support forum]( 1. It's impossible to use Chinese character as category name 2. After installing pretty-url plugin with .htaccess mode enabled, it's not...
[Suggested by Augis]( "file uploader could look more delicate and modern if it had by default one file upload field with button that would add more."
Prerequisites: - Akismet plugin sends comments to Akismet for spam check and rejects if spam is detected. - Comment Center plugin caches new comments so the site admin can decide...
FlatPress setup should be localized. Ideas: - Getting the user's locale via `$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']`. - Additionally: Setup shows language select box, so user can override detected language. - Chosen setup language...
Thank you for taking the time to work on a PR for Awesome-Selfhosted! To ensure your PR is dealt with swiftly please check the following: - [x] Submit one item...
With the update to Smarty 4, the code of _function.html_select_date.php_ has changed significantly. Thus, #132 needs to be re-done in the [issue94_smartyupdate]( branch.
It would be nice to have an update script so under _Admin Area_ -> _Maintain_ -> _Check for updates_, you would have not only the latest version displayed, but could...
[Good idea]( by @Fraenkiman: A freshly-installed FP should have a small PhotoSwipe demo gallery in the Welcome entry.
As [reported by Michael]( The "Posted by" phrase is not translated. @Fraenkiman came up with a possible solution, see []( Thanks to both of you!
Question by Rudra [on Twitter]( > Why does setup.php change the permission to 777 globally in the flatpress webroot? Isn't 640 better? Legit question - needs to be inspected.