
Results 11 comments of azertyalex

It seems I can put anything into "image/jpeg", even text ```bash xclip -sel clip -t "image/jpeg" -o file:///home/amol/Code/Varia/clip/build/examples/lala.jpg ``` But using my own custom schemes do not result in anything,...

When using custom formats, as long as the program runs, I can access my custom format with xclip. Is this intentional? After reading up on how the x11 clipboard works...

I actually do not need a clipboard manager. I just made an example for debugging purposes. I'm using clip.h in a remote browsing situation, and my browser will always be...

Thanks, that helped me for now :D

Can't you do ```Javascript context.subscriptions.push( vscode.commands.registerCommand('', () => openStatusBarMenu(context)) ); ``` And change the openStatusBarMenu definition to `export function openStatusBarMenu(context:vscode.ExtensionContext)` ?

If you want look at my fork of the plugin. But for now it's only workable in dev mode.

@joemckenney care to share your `rm-dev-deps.mjs` script referenced in issue #1488 ? I'm having the same problem as you, 1GB docker image

okay, thanks! I stumbled upon `pnpm` myself in the last hour, that seems the way to go

It looks like the linked PR is done. Is there something that needs to be tested still? I have following result ```bash [GoPlay] Logging in [GoPlay] Authenticating username [GoPlay] Authenticating...

I went down the drm/widevine rabbit hole. I guess this is where it stops?