Aditya Dixit

Results 4 comments of Aditya Dixit

@gakonst This was the script - ``` // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.6.0; import "forge-std/Script.sol"; import "../instances/Ilevel01.sol"; contract POC is Script { Fallback level1 = Fallback(0x1C7c3eDbd6567b4ecf97869CD9Dfad27b08CD697); function run() external {...

> It is supposed to look like this: ![Capture]( seems like that Font Awesome is not correctly working in that case. Actually I made changes to my blog post, removed...

Solved the PyGObject error with this on arch - `sudo pacman -S gobject-introspection`

It's a problem with Frida. I'm getting the same error on an android using Frida and objection both. Not sure about the fix.