> This kind of defeats the purpose of having individual levels, money and items locked behind those levels. For your concern, we can have thing like a person who is...
We can have finance pay option here like we have in pdm. So while trading a car, we can select item as car and total amount and maybe finance option...
/savings account is introduced. We can close this issue now.
I am not sure but wouldn’t it effect people buying house? I mean if we are providing 10,000 su storage for just $5k per week then I think housing will...
I also think that this will have negative impact on real estate and people will stop buying house as currently if we see list of owners of house , there...
> Are you unable to sell Scratched Vehicles to other players? No we can't transfer / sell boosting vehicles
If we allow buying single houses then it can be a disaster also. This is my personal opinion so i can be wrong. So Allowinn to buy single house will...
Block offer for Gang/family Sending offer for whole block to family/gang. Genrally gangs buy whole block as their gang hood and we have rule in legacy india that one person...