
Results 7 comments of ayushbafna24

I am testing on a android device and my SDK has already updated. I am also re-add these plugin 5 to 6 days.Many peoples has also checking these method.They are...

It gives me error on Google Logout Google SDK has updated Uncaught exception from plugin java.lang.IllegalStateException: blockingConnect must not be called on the UI thread at com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zzac.zza(Unknown Source) at com.google.android.gms.internal.zzqp.blockingConnect(Unknown...

I solved these issue by adding these code for Google Logout.Hello Guys please add these code on a GooglePlus.java I can give you a Simple path for finding these nl.xservices.plugins/GooglePlus.java...

what is your error.I can solved your error

You can change on GooglePlus.java I am also facing these issue.but can solves these issue by changing these lines nl.xservices.plugins/GooglePlus.java private void signOut() { if (this.mGoogleApiClient == null) { savedCallbackContext.error("Please...

I am trying many times.google silent not working. On 21 December 2016 at 12:16, valgen wrote: > To reproduce the bug on Android devices (not emulators) follow these steps: >...

If you are not a developer.You can hire me as a developer.I can solve your issue On 7 November 2017 at 20:56, Antonio Scatoloni wrote: > @anouarchattouna I'm sorry, >...