Hello @bobbyiliev check PR for Cat-Tac command enhancement and new things. Kindly
@jravenel can I join? The access to Gsheet is refused!!
Sure I started some research on it! just wanted to complete the #hacktoberfest 😸 !! Good luck @Eviaiy 👍🏻
Alright, @jravenel I will work on it! For the Livestream, I would be traveling so I could miss it, but if there were a record of it, that would be...
Assign me please!
@jravenel yes why not, just create the issue I will work on it with Google slide API using python.
@FlorentLvr I have created a template for Powerpoint! and if @jravenel could create the issue for Google Slides I will try to finish it by tomorrow. 🚀
@jravenel could you check it and merge if it's good!!
@FlorentLvr check it please!
> > @FlorentLvr check it please! > > @ayoub-berdeddouch! TY for your contribution. Just checked you didn't add any line in your present. The objective is to create a title...