Ayman Makroo
Ayman Makroo
- [x] Move the JS to search.js - [x] Moving the existing onClick handlers to event listeners - [x] Potential just moving to data attributes to 'select' elements instead of...
All the JS in `docs\_templates\search.html` has already been transferred to the `docs\search.js`
All the `onClick` handlers have already been changed to `Event Listeners`
made changes to this PR in PR #9941
@lb- can you assign me this issue? i would like to work on it
- [ ] clean up the existing code (use proper event listeners, move the code to an external file search.js and solve any large linting issues. - [ ] we...
working on cleaning up the code and the tasks mentioned in the #9224
> > Observe that PR#9224 does not make a link but #9224 does. Thank You! Will keep that in mind from now on :)
@salty-ivy are you still working on this issue? and is this issue still open?
@salty-ivy Fine 👍