I am also seeing this issue on the same website with the same testcafe,safari and macOs versions
Hello, I tried uploading other allowed formats (pptx, pdf) and it doesn't go through each time when using automation. I assume that TestCafe supports the upload of docx, pptx and...
Hello, this doesn't proceed onto the next step though. Once the file is uploaded, it should move on to the next steps of analyzing the documents and it doesn't do...
@Bayheck Hello, looks like this issue resolved itself for our team. We didn't even need to go to version 3.6, it was fixed with 3.5. Thanks for your help.
Any chance that this can be looked at and possibly fixed? I'm seeing intermittent connectivity issues in kubernetes even with the flags passed in. As far as resources go, I...
Thanks for the response @Dmitry-Ostashev
@Gandhi11 No, it just resolved itself in our case. Seems like our developers made some changes to the code that got TestCafe upload function to work.